
Our Seed

Quality Seed for Increased Profits

It isn’t only about the highest yield, but how much profit you make per acre. We want to make sure every customer has a good feeling about what they are doing with seed purchased here.  We are here to serve and help answer your questions regardless of how trivial they may be. 

Winter Barley

• Upright plant
• Low water use and good salinity tolerance
• Benefits from arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
• Very good forage production
• Very good nitrogen scavenger

Winter Triticale

• Upright plant
• High water use and good salinity tolerance
• Excellent regrowth
• Very good forage quality and quantity
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations

Winter Oats

• Walken oats have enough cold tolerance to survive our winters for the last 6 years
• Very good early and late forage production
• Medium water use and fair salinity tolerance
• Very good nitrogen scavenger
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations

Cereal Rye

• Upright plant
• High water use and good salinity tolerance
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
• Very good nitrogen scavenger
• Very good residue builder

Spring Barley

• Upright plant
• Low water use and good salinity tolerance
• Benefits from arbuscular mycorrhizal association
• Very good forage production
• Very good nitrogen scavenger

Black Oats 

• Winter cereal for Zone 8 and warmer
• Very fibrous root mass and tillers well
• Very good biomass production
• Works as a spring planted crop in colder climates
• Very durable residue when it reaches maturity

Spring Oats

• Upright plant
• Medium water use and fair salinity tolerance
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
• Very good nitrogen scavenger
• Very good forage quality

Annual Ryegrass

• Annual or perennial types
• Medium water use
• Fair salinity tolerance
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
• Very good nitrogen scavenger

Sorghum Sudangrass

• Upright plant
• Medium water use
• Fair salinity tolerance
• Benefits from arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
• Self pollinated by the wind

Pearl Millet

• Upright plant
• Low water use
• Good protein content
• Self pollinated by the wind
• Will form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations

German “R” Millet

• Annual
• Upright plant type
• Low water use
• Poor salinity tolerance
• Forms arbuscular mycorrhizal associations
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